

This is actually an addon script....for protection and revenge, this script equipped with a socket which will act as deoper, therefore it will only fully worked when both nicks have operator access in a channel. well this script was designed to work on dalnet servers. Menu is available...! to use it just copy and paste it into your mirc remote editor then save ..and to get the initial settings pls restart your mirc.....that's it.


;•Copyright © 2002
;•All Rights Reserved.
;•Author: Aditya a.k.a [|Red-X|]
;•for mIRC version 6.03+
:•Hashtable multichannel
;--------=•Advanced-[|BestwaR|]-X`edition• Multiopponent•=------;
;Pls. don't change any of the codes, it will make the remote script not work properly
on ^+20:JOIN:#:{ .timer14 1 7 _checkme $chan | haltdef }
on *:PART:#:{ if ($istok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,44) == $true) { hadd $+(war-,$chan) warlist $remtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,1,44) } | elseif ($level($nick) == 20) { part $chan $+($ad_msg) | haltdef } }
on *:NICK:{ if ($istok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,44) == $true) { hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $reptok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,$newnick,1,44) | if ($me isop $chan) kick $chan $newnick 4Change nick..he..he } | elseif ($level($nick) == 20) { .rlevel 20 | .auser 20 $newnick | .timer 1 1 sockdeoper nick $+($ulist(*,20,1),]) } }
alias -l _checkme { if (!%_kickthem) { reset_join $1 } }
#war off
on !*:JOIN:#:{
if ($hfind($+(war,$chan),$address($nick,2),1,w).data) {
inc -u1 %nickjoin
hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,44)
if ($me isop $chan) && (%nickjoin < 4) && (!%`kicker) {
kick $chan $kicklist $kick: | if (%banlag.on) { raw -q mode $chan +b $wildsite }
else { if (%onjoin_deop.on) && (!%`dop) { set -u2 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $replace($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) }
else { halt }
on *:OP:#:{
if ($opnick == $me) && ($nick == ChanServ) && (!%op) {
set %op yes
if (!$hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist)) return
set -u1 %`kicker !
var %num_fast = $numtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),44)
if (%num_fast <= 4) { raw -q kick $chan $hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist) $ }
elseif (%num_fast > 4) {
while (%num_fast >= 1) {
%kick_warlist = $addtok(%kick_warlist,$gettok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),%num_fast,44),44)
inc %kick_limit
if (%kick_limit == 4) { raw -q kick $chan %kick_warlist 15,2Out | unset %kick_* }
dec %num_fast
if (%kick_warlist) { kick $chan %kick_warlist 15,4Out | unset %kick_* }
if (!%ban) { .timer15 1 0 mode_ban $chan | %ban = 1 }
elseif (%op_deop.on) && ($istok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$opnick,44) == $true) && ($me !isop $chan) && (!%`dop) {
set -u1 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $replace($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32))
#war end
on ^*:notice:*DEOP*was successful*:?:{ if ($nick == ChanServ) { haltdef } }
on ^*:NOTICE:massdeop*:#:{ unset %op | sockdeoper ChanServ op $chan $me | if ($3 ison $chan) { hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$3,44) } }
on ^*:NOTICE:*has opped*:#:{
if ($nick == ChanServ) && ($istok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$4,44) == $true) && ($4 ison $chan) {
if ($me !isop $chan) && (!%`dop) { set -u1 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $4 }
;alias -l chan_cmd {
; if ($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist)) && (!%`dop) { set -u2 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop $1 $replace($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) }
; ChanServ op $1 $me
on ^*:NOTICE:*has deopped*:#:{
if ($4 == $me) && ($nick == ChanServ) && (%op) {
unset %op | kicker:
if ($1 ison $chan) { hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$1,44) }
if ($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist)) && (!%`dop) { set -u2 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $replace($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) }
.timer11 1 0 ChanServ op $chan $me
on !*:DEOP:#:{
if ($opnick == $me) && ($nick != ChanServ) && (%op) {
unset %op | kicker:
hadd -m $+(war,$chan) $nick $fulladdress
hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,44)
sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $nick
.timer12 1 0 ChanServ op $chan $me
alias -l kicker: { if (%`kicker) { unset %`kicker } }
alias -l fastjoin { return $iif(%kick_me <= 3,$true,$false) }
alias -l reset_join { if ($me ison $1) { unset %kick_me | %_kickthem = ! | if ($me isop $1) { if (%mode_chan) { mode $1 - $+ %mode_chan | unset %mode_chan } | if (%_b) ban -r $1 $me 2 | unset %_b } } }
on *:KICK:#:{
if ($knick != $me) && ($istok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$knick,44) == $true) {
hadd $+(war-,$chan) warlist $remtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$knick,1,44)
if ($nick == $me) {
if (%kick_me) && (!%_rj) { set -u4 %_rj 1 | .timer13 1 4 reset_join $chan }
if (%nickchanger.on) && (!%change_nick) { set -u5 %change_nick ! | change_nick }
} }
elseif ($knick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
inc %kick_me | .timer1? off | unset %ban %_kickthem | kicker:
if ($group(#war) == on) {
%warchan = $chan
hadd -m $+(war,$chan) $nick $fulladdress
hadd -m $+(war-,$chan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$nick,44)
if ($fastjoin == $true) { if (%op) { sockdeoper ChanServ deop $chan $replace($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) | unset %op }
.timerrejoin 1 0 join $chan
else { .timerinvite 1 $rand(8,15) ChanServ invite $chan }
else { if (%user_prot.on) { if ($hfind($+(protect,$chan),$ial($knick,1),0,w)) && ($nick != $me) && ($me isop $chan) { kick $chan $nick Sorry $knick $+ `s address is on my protection list } | halt } | halt }
on *:INVITE:%warchan:{
if ($nick == ChanServ) {
if (!$hget($+(war-,%warchan),warlist)) join %warchan
else { unset %op | .timerrejoinonban 1 3 deop_kicklist %warchan }
else { halt }
alias -l deop_kicklist {
ChanServ deop $1 $replace($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32))
join $1
raw 353:*:{
var %nick.list = $remove($5-,@,+), %xchan = $3
if ($hget($+(war-,%xchan),warlist)) .hdel $+(war-,%xchan) warlist
var %num.raw = $hget($+(war,%xchan),0).item
while (%num.raw >= 1) {
if ($istok(%nick.list,$hget($+(war,%xchan),%num.raw).item,32) == $true) { hadd -m $+(war-,%xchan) warlist $addtok($hget($+(war-,%xchan),warlist),$hget($+(war,%xchan),%num.raw).item,44) }
if ($numtok($hget($+(war-,%xchan),warlist),44) == 8) { break }
dec %num.raw
if ($fastjoin == $false) && ($hget($+(war-,%xchan),warlist)) && (!%`dop) { set -u2 %`dop 1 | sockdeoper ChanServ deop %xchan $replace($hget($+(war-,%xchan),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) }
on !@*:MODE:#:{ if (%mode.on) && ( $nick != ChanServ) { var %mode_chan = $replace($1-,-,&) | %mode_chan = $replace(%mode_chan,+,-) | mode $chan $replace(%mode_chan,&,+) } }
RAW 605:*:{ if ($active ischan) && ($hfind($+(war,$chan),$3)) { hdel $+(war-,$chan) warlist $hfind($+(war,$chan),$3) } }
RAW 471:*:{ %mode_chan = l | %kick_me = 4 | .timerinvite 1 $rand(5,10) ChanServ invite $2 }
RAW 475:*:{ %mode_chan = k | %kick_me = 4 | .timerinvite 1 $rand(5,10) ChanServ invite $2 }
RAW 473:*:{ %mode_chan = i | %kick_me = 4 | .timerinvite 1 $rand(8,15) ChanServ invite $2 }
RAW 474:*:{ %_b = ! | %kick_me = 4 | .raw -q ChanServ unban $2 | .timerinvite 1 $rand(8,15) ChanServ invite $2 }
RAW 477:*:{ %mode_chan = R | %kick_me = 4 | .timerinvite 1 $rand(8,15) ChanServ invite $2 }
RAW 441:*:{ if (%warchan) hadd $+(war-,%warchan) warlist $remtok($hget($+(war-,%warchan),warlist),$2,1,44) | haltdef }
RAW 401:*:{ if (%warchan) hadd $+(war-,%warchan) warlist $remtok($hget($+(war-,%warchan),warlist),$2,1,44) | haltdef }
RAW 600:*:{ echo -a *  Watch:  Services are now on IRC :Online | amsg  ALERT:  DALnet services are now on IRC :Online | halt }
RAW 601:*:{ echo -a *  Watch:  Services leaving IRC :4Offline | halt }
RAW 604:*:{ echo -a *  Watch:  Services are currently :Online | halt }
RAW 605:*:{ echo -a *  Watch:  Services are currently :4Offline | halt }
RAW 332:*:{ if ($2 == %warchan) halt | else { echo $2 * 2,15«16»15,2 TOPIC 2,15«16» $3- | halt } }
RAW 333:*:{ if ($2 == %warchan) halt | else { echo $2 * 2,15«16»15,2 Set by 2,15«16» $3 2On $asctime($4) | halt } }
RAW 482:*:{ halt }
#banlocker off
on @*:UNBAN:#:{
if ($hfind($+(war,$chan),$banmask,1,w).data) && ($banmask != *!*@*) { mode $chan +b $banmask }
#banlocker end
#banprotect off
on @*:BAN:#:{
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { mode $chan -ob+b $nick $banmask $wildsite | kick $chan $nick 5[4•5S4Þ5i4r5i1†5~Ban4•5]
#banprotect end
alias f8 { if (!%socknick) { %socknick = $$?="type DEOPER socket nickname" } | sockopen geneX $$?="type server" $$?="type port" | echo 4 -a Loading %socknick plz wait }
on *:CONNECT:{ .ial on | .auser 20 $me | %war_nick = $me | .watch +ChanServ | .timer 1 1 sockopen geneX $server $port }
on *:disconnect:{ sockclose * | .rlevel 20 | if ($group(#awignore) == on) disable #awignore | unset %away.* | .timerSRELOAD-* off }
on *:SOCKCLOSE:*: {
echo -a *  SOCKET:  4** Error detected on  $+ $sockname $+ , reloading
.timerSRELOAD- [ $+ [ $sockname ] ] -o 1 2 .sockopen $sockname $server $port
on *:SOCKOPEN:geneX:{
if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
window -aneg1 @geneX
sockwrite -tn $sockname nick %socknick
sockwrite -tn $sockname USER redx - - :()CYB()ORG()
sockwrite -tn $sockname join $xchan
.echo 4 -a %socknick connected ....plz wait
on *:sockread:geneX:{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
sockread %geneXsock
if ($sockbr == 0) return
if ($gettok(%geneXsock,1,32) == PING) { sockwrite -tn $sockname PONG $gettok(%geneXsock,2,32) }
if ($gettok(%geneXsock,2,32) == 001) {
echo -a 1*** ( $+ %socknick  $+ socket $+ ) 4Connected | change_socketnick
if ($remove($gettok(%geneXsock,1,33),:) == Nickserv) && (This nick is owned by someone else isin %geneXsock) { }
if ($gettok(%geneXsock,2,32) == NOTICE) { halt }
if ($gettok(%geneXsock,2,32) isnum 409) { halt }
if (%geneXsock == $null) %geneXsock = -
aline -h @geneX %geneXsock
unset %geneXsock
#awignore off
on *:Open:?=:{
if ($away == $true) {
if ($hfind($+(war,$chan),$address($nick,2),1,w).data) { msg $nick sorry you are being ignored...cause your nick is in my warlist | closemsg $nick }
elseif ($hmatch($+(protect,$chan),$chat(1).ip)) { msg =$nick Hi! I'll be with you soonest... }
else { msg $nick 5 I am currently away Reason: ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) Gone For: ( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ ) , back in a moment }
on *:notice:*:?:{ if ($away == $true) && ($nick == $me) { halt } { notice $nick 5 I am currently away Reason: ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) Gone For: ( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ )  } }
on *:action:*:*:{ if ($away == $true) { if ($me isin $strip($1-)) notice $nick 5 I am currently away Reason: ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) Gone For: ( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ )  } | haltdef }
on *:text:*:#:{ if ($away == $true) { if ($me isin $strip($1-)) notice $nick 5 I am currently away Reason: ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) Gone For: ( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ )  } | haltdef }
#awignore end
#ctcpflood off
ctcp *:*:*: {
if (%ctcps == $null) { set -u8 %ctcps 1 | return }
else { inc %ctcps }
if (%ctcps > 3) {
.ignore -u45 $wildsite
msg $nick Autoignoring you - CTCP Flood detected.
echo -a Ctcp flood from $wildsite - Ignoring $wildsite for 45 seconds...
#ctcpflood end
alias -l kicklist { return $gettok($hget($+(war-,$chan),warlist),1-4,44) }
alias -l sockdeoper { sockwrite -tn geneX $1- }
alias -l mode_ban { if ($me isop $1) { if ($numtok($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist),44) <= 4) { raw -q MODE $1 + [ $+ [ $str(b,$numtok($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist),44)) ] ] $+ -bb $replace($hget($+(war-,$1),warlist),$chr(44),$chr(32)) * $me } | else { raw -q MODE $1 -bb * $me } } }
alias kick: { return $iif(%kick.msg,$red(%kick.msg),$ }
alias adit { return °8,1º4,1©15,1 $1- 4,1©8,1º° }
alias set_away { if ($server) { if ($group(#awignore) == on) && ($away) { amsg I am now back from away, Reason: ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) Gone For: ( $+ $duration($awaytime) $+ ) | .disable #awignore | away | nick $remove($ulist(*,20,1),-AFK) | .timer 1 5 rlevel 20 | .timer 1 5 auser 20 $me | halt } | else { .enable #awignore | %away.msg = $?="type away massage" | away $adit(%away.msg) | amsg I'm away for : ( $+ $awaymsg $+ ) | tnick $+($ulist(*,20,1),-AFK) | halt } } | else echo 2 -a ***Not connected to a server }
alias red { return 2,15«16»2 $1- 2,15«16» }
alias -l change_nick { if ($me isop $chan) { tnick %war_nick $+ $+($chr(91),$rand(1000,9999),$chr(93)) } }
alias -l change_socketnick { if ($?!="Do you want to change the socket's nickname?" == $true) { sockwrite -tn $sockname nick $$?="type new socket nickname" | echo -a *** the socket's new nick is now set to :  $+ $!  } }
alias -l xchan { return $+($chr(35),help-script) }
alias -l set_protection { .enable #banprotect #ctcpflood | .unset %mode.* %user_pro* %banlag.* | = (off) | %mode.on = (on) | %user_prot.on = (on) | .timer 1 1 echo $colour(info) -a ***Protections are now set to 7On }
alias socket_nick { $$?="enter DEOPER socket nickname" | %socknick = $! | echo -a ***your DEOPER socket nickname is now: 0,1 $+(%socknick)  }
alias -l { .sockwrite -tn $sockname nickserv identify $$?*="Type your DEOPER password ? NickServ request it!" }
alias { return 15,1•Advanced-3,1[9|0B15e14stw15a0R9|3]15-X`edition• }
alias ad_msg { return 15,1•Advanced-3,1[9|0B15e14stw15a0R9|3]15-X`edition•0,15by15,1[|Red-X|]0¤14,1The most advanced survival game/war script.....on DALnet: to get it, find him in #help-script }
alias -l { return •Advanced-[|BestwaR|]-X`edition•¤by-[|Red-X|]¤ }
alias -l unset_prot { .disable #banprotect #ctcpflood | .unset %mode.* %user_pro* %banlag.* | = (off) | = (off) | = (off) }
alias -l war_settings { _start | %username = •Advanced-[|BestwaR|]-X`edition•¤by-[|Red-X|]¤ | .disable #war #banlocker | .fullname %username | .identd on $+(aditya,$rand(0,100)) | unsetall | %war.status.on = [status:Peace] | = (off) | = (off) | = (off) | = [off] | %socknick = $+([|BestwaR-X|],$r(10,99)) | unset_prot }
alias f2 { ctcp $me ping | ctcp ping }
alias -l reset_war_ban {
if ($me !isop $chan) return
var %i = $ibl($chan,0)
while (%i > 0) {
if ($ibl($chan,%i) iswm $address($me,5)) var %iban_list = $addtok(%iban_list,$ibl($chan,%i),32)
dec %i
mode $chan - [ $+ [ $str(b,$numtok(%iban_list,32)) ] ] %iban_list
alias kick {
kick $1 $2 $3-
on 1:start:{ echo $colour(info) -a Welcome to 15,1•Advanced-3,1[9|0B15e14stw15a0R9|3]15-X`edition• | war_settings | .fullname $ }
on 1:load:{
if ($version >= 6.02) { echo -a You have installed $ ,an advanced war/revenge script }
else { echo -a *** $ was made for mIRC 6.02 or greater. Please upgrade | .unload -rs $script }
alias -l _start {
echo $colour(info) -a Author: [|Red-X|]
echo 7 -a -----------------------------------------------------
echo 7 -a - Introduction
echo $colour(info) -a - 1) •Advanced Code and compatible with miRC v6.02+, run on DALnet
echo $colour(info) -a - 2) •Clearer and easier to see options menu :
echo $colour(info) -a - 3) •Socket connection is available for deoping enemies
echo $colour(info) -a - 4) •War-mode or Peace-mode,Ban protection,Banlocker
echo $colour(info) -a - 5) •Channel mode protection,User protection,ctcp flood protection
echo $colour(info) -a - 6) •Auto unban system, and away system
echo $colour(info) -a - 7) •Fully Hashtable data management for optimal performance.
echo $colour(info) -a - 8) •Bug fixed, and Integrated script (All options are in one script file)
echo $colour(info) -a - 9) •Copyright © 2002 [|BestwaR|] Techonology Inc.
echo 7 -a -----------------------------------------------------
echo $colour(info) -a - Notes :1) •Set protection options to 7On, only when you are in 7Peace Mode or while you are acting as channel operator.
echo $colour(info) -a - 2) •Socket (default nick:cyborg) will automatically be connected to a same server where client connecting, or press F8 to load it manually.
echo $colour(info) -a! Need help? just drop ur mail to or join #indohelpdesk or #help-script (dalnet)
menu channel,menubar {
$iif($active ischan,&IAL state for #)
.$iif($chan(#).ial == $true,All addresses OK):echo No need to update IAL for chan #
.$iif($chan(#).ial == $false,IAL Incomplete. Update?):.who #
&Main Settings
.$iif(%war.status.on,[ %war.status.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%war.status.on) { unset %war.status.on | set [status:Revenge] | .enable #war | unset_prot | echo $colour(info) -a ***The script is now set to 7Revenge Mode | if ($active != status window) say Activate 7Revenge Mode } | else { set %war.status.on [status:Peace] | unset | .disable #war | set_protection | echo $colour(info) -a ***The Script is now set to 7Peace Mode | if ($active != status window) say Activate 7Peace Mode } }
.&Clear Enemy-list:{ if ($active ischan) { .hdel -w $+(war,$chan) * | .hdel -w $+(war-,$chan) warlist | msg $active 1Clear } | echo $colour(info) -a ***Removing all users from the enemy list :7done... }
.&onJoin Settings
..&onJoin-ban $+ $chr(32) $+ $iif(%banlag.on,[ %banlag.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%banlag.on) { unset %banlag.on | set (off) | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Join ban Off } | else { set %banlag.on (on) | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Join ban On } }
..&onJoin-deop $+ $chr(32) $+ $iif(%onjoin_deop.on,[ %onjoin_deop.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%onjoin_deop.on) { unset %onjoin_deop.on | set (off) | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Join deop Off } | else { set %onjoin_deop.on (on) | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Join deop On:7Will deop opponents which joined a channel,when you are not on op position } }
.&onOp-deop $+ $chr(32) $+ $iif(%op_deop.on,[ %op_deop.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%op_deop.on) { unset %op_deop.on | set (off) | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Op deop Off } | else { set %op_deop.on (on) | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***on-Op deop On:7Will deop opponents which are being opped,when you are not on op position } }
.&Ban-Locker ( $+ $group(#banlocker) $+ ) : { if ($group(#banlocker) == on) { .disable #banlocker | echo $colour(info) -a ***Banlocker is now Off | halt } | else { .enable #banlocker | echo $colour(info) -a ***Banlocker is now On | halt } }
.&Nickchanger $iif(%nickchanger.on,[ %nickchanger.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%nickchanger.on) { unset %nickchanger.on | set [off] | echo $colour(info) -a ***nickchanger Off } | else { set %nickchanger.on [on] | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***nickchanger On } }
&DEOPER socket
.$iif($sock(geneX).status,&Connected,not &Connected)
..$iif(!$sock(geneX).status,&Load): { if (!$window(@geneX)) { window -aneg1 @geneX } | %socknick = $$?="Type socket deoper's nick" | sockopen geneX $$?="type server i.e" $$?="type port i.e 7000" }
&Reset Ban&&Enemy list { if ($active ischan) { .hdel -w $+(war-,$chan) warlist | reset_war_ban } | echo $colour(info) -a ***Reseting my ban & enemy list 7done...:Do it while in a channel }
.&Ban Protection ( $+ $group(#banprotect) $+ ) : { if ($group(#banprotect) == on) { .disable #banprotect | echo $colour(info) -a ***Ban Protection is now Off | halt } | else { .enable #banprotect | echo $colour(info) -a ***Ban Protection is now On | halt } }
.&Chan. Mode Potect. $+ $chr(32) $+ $iif(%mode.on,[ %mode.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%mode.on) { unset %mode.on | set (off) | echo $colour(info) -a ***Channel Mode protection-Off } | else { set %mode.on (on) | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***Channel Mode protection-On } }
.&User Protection $+ $chr(32) $+ $iif(%user_prot.on,[ %user_prot.on ],[ ] ):{ if (%user_prot.on) { unset %user_prot.on | set (off) | echo $colour(info) -a ***User protection-Off  } | else { set %user_prot.on (on) | unset | echo $colour(info) -a ***User protection-On  } }
.&CTCP Flood Prot. ( $+ $group(#ctcpflood) $+ ) : { if ($group(#ctcpflood) == on) { .disable #ctcpflood | echo $colour(info) -a ***CTCP flood Protection is now Off | halt } | else { .enable #ctcpflood | echo $colour(info) -a ***CTCP flood Protection is now On | halt } }
Set kick massage:{ set %kick.msg $?="Type kick massage:" | echo $colour(info) -a ***Your kick massage is : $red(%kick.msg) }
&Set Away ( $+ $group(#awignore) $+ ) : { set_away }
&Advertise { if ($active != status window) say I'm activating $ad_msg | else echo -s $ }
.[|BestwaR|] { .url }
.&mail [|Red-X|] { .run }
menu nicklist {
Protection list
.Add:{ if ($$1) { .hadd -m $+(protect,$chan) $address($$1,2) $$1 | .msg $$1 you are now under myprotection } }
.Del:{ if ($$1) { .hdel -w $+(protect,$chan) $address($$1,2) * | echo -a $$1 has been removed from protection list } }
WaR list
.Add:{ if ($active ischan) hadd -m $+(war,$chan) $$1 $address($1,5) | echo -a $$1 has been added to warlist }
.Del:{ if ($active ischan) hdel -sw $+(war,$chan) $$1 * | .msg $$1 your address has been removed from warlist }
menu query {
WaR list
.Add:{ var %chan = $$?="Type channel this nick to be warlisted" | hadd -m $+(war,%chan) $$1 $address($1,5) | echo -a $$1 has been added to warlist }
.Del:{ var %chan = $$?="Type channel this nick to be remove fr. warlist" | hdel -sw $+(war,%chan) $$1 * | say you have been removed from warlist }
Block &User-massages: {
var %stopmsg.msg = $$?="Enter Massage"
ignore -pn $active | ignore -u60 $active | say $+ , %stopmsg.msg
Allow User to MSG you: { ignore -rp $active | say Now accepting messages from you. :) }
menu @geneX {
clear screen:clear
close window:window -c @geneX
disconnect { sockclose geneX | .timerSRELOAD-* off | echo $colour(info) -a *** %socknick has left iRC }
connect socket : { window -aneg1 @geneX | sockopen geneX $$?="type server" 7000 }
change nick:{ %socknick = $$?="type new nick" | sockdeoper nick %socknick }
join:{ sockdeoper join #$$?="Type channnel (type it w/o #)" }
part:{ sockdeoper part #$$?="type channel (type it w/o #)" }
priv. msg:{ sockdeoper privmsg $$?="type nickname or #channel" : $+ $$?="type your massage" }
;-----------end of script-------------------;


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