This script enables you to grab information from shoutcast/radio URL . and display them into multiple channels, and it;s also be able to be connected to multi irc servers.This bot is fit with users who are running radio websites, and it's probably the first shoutcast mirc script that capable to get information from 'two' different shoutcast servers at a time. it also has option that can record requested songs from ppl and check if the song has been played or not.
To run it, just simply connected to irc servers and set all required inputs such as shoutcast server/ips,ports. Then when it has been connected just add someone or yourself(with different client) as the owner or dj after updated the IAL. commands will be displayed by typing for.i.e; @help in a channel window where the bot exist which it will display a list of commands according to your status, the higher you status the more complete commands you can access, there are only 3 category of users available i.e owner, dj and regular users.Some commands are included but only apply on dalnet servers that uses chanserv like @up @down for op and deop the bot, and also deop protection but all other commands work in all irc servers. All existing inputs are available just to show how to fill them with your owned datas, however it can be used to test the bot
;----[ Advanced SHOUTcast DJ Bot ]---------------
; Filename. : shoutcast.mrc
; Release...: v1.0 on August 2004
; Author....: m.aditya a.k.a [|Red-X|]
; Location..: Jakarta - Indonesia
; Bugreport.:
; E-mail....:
; Two shoutcast servers on Multi Servers/Channels
;start here
alias connect_ {
if (%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == n/a) { unset %shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] }
if ( [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) join [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
%shoutcast.pass [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $+($r(a,z),$r(10001,19999),$r(a,z))
alias addsong hadd song $1 $2-
alias delsong hdel song $1
alias hdj hadd dj $+($cid,$1) $2 $3-
alias ddj hdel dj $+($cid,$1)
alias ownercmd return $c(resetserver) - $c(addserver)
alias -l resetcurrentdj if (%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == n/a) { unset %shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }
alias web return $iif($1,$+(http://,$1,:,$2,/listen.pls),n/a))
alias -l shoutcast.currenttopic return $replace(%shoutcast.channeltopic,
alias -l shoutcast.currentcommand return $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
alias -l shoutcast.commandformat return
alias -l shoutcast.channeltopic return
alias set.shoutcast.method {
if ($2 == dj) { %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
else {
if (%shoutcast.method [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == 1) { %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
else { %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
if ($isid) return %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
alias -l set.user.request {
var %x = $var(%shoutcast.server*,0)
var %i = 1, %shoutcast.server.temp [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
while (%i <= %x) {
if ($istok(server@website@news,$2,64)) { %shoutcast.server.temp [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $addtok(%shoutcast.server.temp [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$iif($2,$+($iif($2 == server,http://),%shoutcast. [ $+ [ $+($2,%i) ] ],$iif($2 == server,$+(:,%shoutcast.port [ $+ [ %i ] ],/listen.pls)))),45) }
inc %i
if ($istok(server@website@news,$2,64)) { %request.command [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
else { %request.command [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
alias -l ctrigger {
var %s1 = $gettok($1,-1,46)
if (stat == %s1) { return Status: $+ $iif($2 == 0,Stream down,Stream Active) Current/Peak/Max.Listeners: $+($3,/,$4,/,$5) Current Song: $7- Bitrate: $6 }
elseif (listeners == %s1) { var %shoutcast.clisteners = $+(%shoutcast.listeners. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$chr(32),with Max.,$chr(32),%shoutcast.maxlisteners. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) | return $shoutcast.currentcommand(listeners,%shoutcast.clisteners,$3-) }
elseif (peak == %s1) { return $shoutcast.currentcommand(peak,%shoutcast.peak. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3-) }
elseif (bitrate == %s1) { return $shoutcast.currentcommand(bitrate,%shoutcast.bitrate. [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3-) }
elseif (song == %s1) { return $shoutcast.currentcommand(song, [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3-) }
alias -l reguestchan {
if (%reg.chan [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { %t.chan = %reg.chan [ $+ [ $2 ] ] }
var %n = $var(%shoutcast.server*,0), %cz = $chan(0)
while (%n) {
%s = $var(%shoutcast.server*,%n).value
if ($var($+(%,$1,.,$2,%t.chan,%s),1).value != $null) { return $ifmatch }
dec %n
alias sockconnect {
set %nsite $var($+($chr(37),shoutcast,.,server,*),0)
while (%nsite) {
var %a = $var($+($chr(37),shoutcast,.,server,*),%nsite).value, %b = $var($+($chr(37),shoutcast,.,port,%nsite),1).value, %s = $+(shoutcast,.,%a,.,$cid,.,$1)
if ($sock(%s).to < 10) { .notice $2 connected to %a can not be proceed..previous request under processing.. | break }
elseif (%a) && (%b) && (%s) { echo -s -14 $+ $timestamp connecting to %a $+ : $+ %b | sockclose %s | sockopen %s %a %b }
if ($2 == auto) set %autoserve [ $+ [ $+($cid,%a) ] ] ok
dec %nsite
alias -l current.topic {
var %i = $var(%shoutcast.currenttopic*,0), %shoutcast.currenttopic.temp
while (%i) {
%shoutcast.currenttopic.temp = $addtok(%shoutcast.currenttopic.temp,%shoutcast.currenttopic [ $+ [ %i ] ],151)
dec %i
return $addtok(Welcome to..,%shoutcast.currenttopic.temp,58)
alias -l setcurrent.topic {
var %x = $var(%shoutcast.server*,0)
while (%x) {
%shoutcast.currenttopic [ $+ [ %x ] ] = $shoutcast.currenttopic( [ $+ [ %x ] ],%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$web(%shoutcast.server [ $+ [ %x ] ],%shoutcast.port [ $+ [ %x ] ]), [ $+ [ %x ] ], [ $+ [ %x ] ])
dec %x
alias -l reportallchan {
scid $1
var %i = $chan(0)
while (%i) {
if ($istok( [ $+ [ $1 ] ],$chan(%i),44)) msg $chan(%i) $2-
dec %i
scid -r
alias -l cmd return dj!website!server!commands!news!shoutout!request!stat!listeners!peak!bitrate!song!onair!offair!addnews!chan!resetserver!addserver!restart!msg!radio!help!creator!up!down!seen
alias -l c return $+(%shoutcast.trigger,$1)
alias shoutcast.version return Advanced SHOUTcast DJ Bot
alias -l restart run mirc.exe | exit
on !*:join:$( [ $+ [ $cid ] ]): {
if (!%onjoin [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) {
set -u5 %onjoin [ $+ [ $cid ] ] !
if ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) {
hdj $nick join $chan $ctime
pvoice 10 $chan $nick
if ($nick == $owner) { .msg $nick 4@Owner welcome... }
if (!$istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) { .msg $nick Hi..4@DJ pls..login to get the bot access | halt }
else { halt }
elseif (%ojgreet [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == on) && (!%onjoin. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan,$site) ] ]) {
setcurrent.topic $cid
set -u600 %onjoin. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan,$site) ] ] !
set.shoutcast.method $cid
if (%ojnotice [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == 1) {
.notice $nick $current.topic
.timernot $+ $cid 1 2 .notice $nick %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
else { .msg $nick $current.topic | .timermsg $+ $cid 1 2 .msg $nick %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $cid ] ] }
on !*:part:$( [ $+ [ $cid ] ]): {
if ($nick == $owner) { halt }
hdj $nick part $chan $ctime $1-
if (!%part. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ]) { set -u8 %part. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ] 1 | goto next }
inc %part. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ]
if (%part. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ] >= 3) { halt }
:next | if (%ojgreet [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == on) {
if ($istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) && ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) { .msg $nick off4@air? }
else { .msg $nick thanks f4@r visit our room }
on !*:nick: {
if ($istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) {
%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $reptok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,$newnick,1,43)
hdj $nick nick $newnick $ctime
if ($nick == $owner) { alias owner return $newnick }
if (!%chnick. [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) {
set -u5 %chnick. [ $+ [ $cid ] ] !
setcurrent.topic $cid
var %n = $comchan($newnick,0)
while (%n) {
if ($istok( [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$comchan($newnick,%n),44)) {
if ($comchan($newnick,%n).op) && (%ontopic [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == on) topic $comchan($newnick,%n) $current.topic
else msg $comchan($newnick,%n) $current.topic
dec %n
on ^*:quit: {
if ($nick == $owner) { goto end }
if ($istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) && (!%quit. [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) {
set -u10 %quit. [ $+ [ $cid ] ] 1
hdj $nick quit $ctime $1-
%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $remtok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,1,43)
echo $color(info2) -at :: $+ $nick left IRC remove4@ $+ $nick from dj4@list done..
:end | halt
;DJ Login
on ^!*:text:*:?: {
if ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) {
if ($left($1,1) != $c) { goto end }
if (%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == n/a) { set %shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] }
if ($istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) { .msg $nick you have been need to re12@login | goto end }
if (%login [ $+ [ $+($cid,$address($nick,0)) ] ] == 3) { .msg $nick you have been 3x login4@failed..sorry. | .ignore -u600 $nick 2 | goto end }
inc -u600 %login [ $+ [ $+($cid,$address($nick,0)) ] ]
if ($1 == $c(login)) && ($2 == %shoutcast.pass [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) {
%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $addtok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)
hdj $nick signed-in $chan $ctime
.msg $nick your login4@accepted
.timersendcmd $+ $cid $+ $nick 1 1 .raw privmsg $nick : $+ $set.shoutcast.method($cid,dj)
goto end
elseif ($1 != $c(login)) { .msg $nick wrong4@command...type $c(login)
elseif ($2 != %shoutcast.pass [ $+ [ $cid ] ]) { .msg $nick wrong4@password. }
:end | close -m $nick | halt
on ^!*:notice:*:?: { halt }
on ^*:open:?:*: { if ($level($address($nick,0)) != asdj) { .msg $nick no4@message pls..I'm a BOT | close -m $nick | halt } }
on !*:text:*:$( [ $+ [ $cid ] ]):{
if ($left($1,1) != $c) || (!$istok($cmd,$remove($1,$c),33)) { halt }
if (!%triger. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$wildsite) ] ]) && (!%smtrig [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ]) { set -u8 %triger. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$wildsite) ] ] 1 | goto next }
if (%smtrig [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ]) { tokenize 32 %smtrig [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ] | .msg $chan $nick $+ : same request has been asked by $1 $duration($calc($ctime - $2)) ago ..sorry | halt }
inc -u8 %triger. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$wildsite) ] ] | set -u10 %smtrig [ $+ [ $+($cid,$chan) ] ] $nick $ctime
if (%triger. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$wildsite) ] ] >= 3) { .ignore -u10 $nick 2 | .notice $nick to $nick $+ : you've sent too many request in 10 secs ..ignore4@ $+ $nick for 10 secs | halt }
if (%triger. [ $+ [ $+($cid,$wildsite) ] ]) { .msg $chan $nick $+ : plz wait .for 10 secs before sending another comand | halt }
if ($1 == $c(help)) {
if ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) && ($nick == $owner) { .msg $nick $set.shoutcast.method($cid,dj) $ownercmd }
elseif ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) { .msg $nick $set.shoutcast.method($cid,dj) }
else { msg $nick $set.shoutcast.method($cid) }
goto end
if ($1 == $c(dj)) && (!$2) {
.signal -n users $cid currentdj $chan
goto end
if ($1 == $c(website)) {
.signal -n users $cid website $chan
goto end
if ($1 == $c(server)) {
.signal -n users $cid server $chan
goto end
if ($1 == $c(commands)) {
set.shoutcast.method $cid
msg $chan %shoutcast.commscommand [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
if ($istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) && ($nick != $owner) {
.timercomdj $+ $cid $+ $nick 1 3 .msg $nick commands4@for-DJ : $c(onair) - $c(offair) - $c(addnews) [1|2]
goto end
if ($1 == $c(news)) {
.signal -n users $cid news $chan
goto end
if ($1 == $c(shoutout)) && ($2) {
if (%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == n/a) { .notice $nick to $nick $+ : Error: no4@DJ is on air to send shoutout }
else {
%djnick.temp = $gettok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$rand(1,$numtok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],0)),43)
set.user.request $cid shoutout $nick $2-
.notice $nick to $nick $+ : Your shoutout " $+ $2- $+ " has been sent to %djnick.temp
.raw privmsg %djnick.temp : $+ < $+ $nick $+ > shoutout %request.command [ $+ [ $cid ] ]
goto end
if ($1 == $c(request)) {
if (!$2) { .notice $nick Syntax Error: type $c(request)
if (%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == n/a) { .notice $nick Alert: No4@DJ is on air to proceed your request. | halt }
else {
if ($hfind(song,$+(*,$remove($2-,$chr(32)),*),1,w)) { %tx = $hget(song,$ifmatch)) | tokenize 32 %tx | .notice $nick to $nick $+ : $ifmatch was broadcasted $duration($calc($ctime - $1)) ago from $2 at $3 plz choose different title }
else {
%djnick.temp = $gettok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$rand(1,$numtok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],0)),43)
set.user.request $cid request $nick $2-
if (%requestsend [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == 1) { .raw privmsg %djnick.temp : $+ < $+ $nick $+ > %request.command [ $+ [ $cid ] ] | .notice $nick to $nick $+ : Your request " $+ $2- $+ " has been sent. to %djnick.temp }
elseif (%requestlog [ $+ [ $cid ] ] == 1) { requestlog $cid $chan $nick $2- | .notice $nick to $nick $+ : Your request " $+ $2- $+ " has been logged }
goto end
if ($1 == $c(radio)) || ($1 == $c(stat)) || ($1 == $c(listeners)) || ($1 == $c(peak)) || ($1 == $c(bitrate)) || ($1 == $c(song)) {
if ($timer($+(auto,$cid)).secs < 15) .timer $+ $+(auto,$cid) off
if ($1 == $c(stat)) || ($1 == $c(radio)) {
if (!$istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) && (%shoutcast.method [ $+ [ $cid ] ] != 1) { .notice $nick access4@denied to show $remove($1,$c) | goto end }
var %r = $remove($1,$c)
if ($var($+(%,%r,.,$cid),1).value != $null) { .notice $nick to $nick $+ : Your request sent too fast..., wait 5 secs to send new request | halt }
set -u5 $+(%,%r,.,$cid) $nick
set %reg.chan [ $+ [ $cid ] ] $chan
if (%shoutcast.server1) set $+(%,%r,.,$cid,$chan,%shoutcast.server1) $chan
if (%shoutcast.server2) set $+(%,%r,.,$cid,$chan,%shoutcast.server2) $chan
sockconnect %r $nick
goto end
if ($1 == $c(msg)) {
if (!$2) || (!$3) { .notice $nick to $nick $+ :: did you send shit? | halt }
else {
.raw privmsg $2 : $+ < $+ $nick $+ > $3-
.notice $nick to $nick $+ :: Your message to $2 sent....
goto end
if ($1 == $c(seen)) && ($2 == dj) && ($3) { if ($level($address($3,0)) == asdj) seennick $chan $nick $3 | else msg $chan $nick $+ : $3 is not in the dj's list }
if ($1 == $c(creator)) { msg $chan -7 $+ $shoutcast.version v1.07- by $maker | goto end }
if ($level($address($nick,0)) == asdj) {
if (!$istok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,43)) {
.msg $nick Access4@Denied
.timer $+ $cid $+ $nick 1 1 .msg $nick Plz relog4@in type in this window -> $c(login)
goto end
else {
if ($1 == $c(onair)) {
.signal -n DJs $cid $chan
goto end
if ($1 == $c(offair)) {
hdj $nick offair $chan $ctime $1-
%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $reptok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$nick,$+($nick,[,off,]),1,43)
.signal -n DJs $cid $chan
.msg $nick set4@ [ $+ [ $+($nick,[offair]) ] ] :you nick has been set to $+($nick,[offair]) pls relogin to get access again later
goto end
;syntax : for.i.e @addnews [1|2]
;[1|2] means to station1 or 2
if ($1 == $c(addnews)) {
if ($2) && ($3) {
unset [ $+ [ $2 ] ] [ $+ [ $2 ] ] = $addtok( [ $+ [ $2 ] ],$3-,58)
.signal -n DJs $cid $chan
.notice $nick add4@news to [ $+ [ $2 ] ] $+ : $3-
goto end
else { .notice $nick syntax error: type $c(addnews) ə|2>
if ($1 == $c(chan)) {
if ($3) {
var %c = $addtok($chr(35),$remove($3,$chr(35)),0)
if ($2 == add) { [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $addtok( [ $+ [ $cid ] ],%c,44)
if ($me !ison %c) .timerjoin $+ $cid 1 5 join %c
.notice $nick add4@channel %c joining...
goto end
if ($2 == del) { [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $remtok( [ $+ [ $cid ] ],%c,1,44)
if ($me ison %c) .timerpart $+ $cid 1 5 part %c ask4@by $nick $iif($4,$4-,-) 7 $+ $shoutcast.version 7- by $maker at
.notice $nick del4@channel %c parting...
goto end
else { notice $nick syntax error: type $c(chan) add|del
if ($nick == $owner) {
if ($1 == $c(resetserver)) {
unset %shoutcast.server*** %shoutcast.port* %nr.of.server
msg $chan reset4@server done
goto end
;i.e : @addserver 8026
if ($1 == $c(addserver)) {
if ($2) && ($3) {
if (%nr.of.server > 2) { .msg $nick plz $c(resetserver) first before added | halt }
inc %nr.of.server
var %s = $remove($2,http://,www.)
set [ $+ [ %nr.of.server ] ] $+(http://,www.,%s)
set [ $+ [ %nr.of.server ] ] $+(%s,Radio,%nr.of.server,Online)
set $+($chr(37),shoutcast,.,server,%nr.of.server) %s
set $+($chr(37),shoutcast,.,port,%nr.of.server) $3
.msg $nick Station $+ %nr.of.server $+ : $+(%s,Radio,%nr.of.server,Online) Server: %s Port: $3 Website: $+(http://,www.,%s)
goto end
else { .msg $nick syntax error: type $c(addserver)
if ($1 == $c(dj)) {
if ($2 == add) && ($3) { .guser asdj $3 0 DJ | .msg $3 add4@DJ your Password: $+ %shoutcast.pass $+ $cid Login: type -> $c(login)
if ($2 == del) && ($3) { .ruser asdj $3 0 | %shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ] = $remtok(%shoutcast.currentdj [ $+ [ $cid ] ],$3,1,43) | .msg $3 remove4@DJ sorry.. }
goto end
if ( isin $server) {
if ($1 == $c(up)) && ($me !isop $chan) cs op $chan $me
if ($1 == $c(down)) && ($me isop $chan) { mode $chan +v-o $me $me }
goto end
if ($1 == $c(restart)) { restart | halt }
on *:SOCKOPEN:$(shoutcast. $+ $+(%shoutcast.server1,*)):{
set -u0 %`t $gettok($sockname,-1,46)
var %cid = $gettok($sockname,-2,46)
if ($sockerr > 0) {
set %shoutcast.errorformat $replace(%shoutcast.commandformat,
if ($reguestchan($gettok($sockname,-1,46),%cid)) { scid -t1 %cid msg $ifmatch %shoutcast.errorformat }
disp.status %cid 1 %shoutcast.errorformat
sockident $sockname
on *:sockread:$(shoutcast. $+ $+(%shoutcast.server1,*)):{
if ($sockerr > 0) return
var %s.temp = $gettok($sockname,2,46), %n.temp = $remove(%shoutcast.name1,$chr(32),-,.), %`t = $gettok($sockname,-1,46), %cid = $gettok($sockname,-2,46)
if (%`t == radio) {
sockread %scasttemp
if ($sockbr == 0) return
tokenize 58 %scasttemp
var %t = $gethtml(%scasttemp)
if (%scasttemp == ICY 200 OK) { disp.status %cid 1 Loading Stream... }
elseif ($1 == icy-notice1) { hadd asdj $+(notice,%n.temp) $iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,n/a) }
elseif ($1 == icy-notice2) { hadd asdj $+(notice,%n.temp) $addtok($hget(asdj,$+(notice,%n.temp)),$iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,.),32) }
elseif ($1 == icy-name) { hadd asdj $+(name,%n.temp) $iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,n/a)) }
elseif ($1 == icy-genre) { hadd asdj $+(genre,%n.temp) $iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,n/a) }
elseif ($1 == icy-url) { var %w = $iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,n/a) | hadd asdj $+(url,%n.temp) %w | %shoutcast.website1 = %w }
elseif ($1 == icy-br) { hadd asdj $+(bitrate,%n.temp) $iif($deltok(%t,1,58),$ifmatch,n/a) }
elseif (icy !isin $1) {
sockclose $sockname
if ($reguestchan(%`t,%cid)) { scid -t1 %cid msg $ifmatch $streamreport(%n.temp) }
goto nextread
sockread -f %scasttemp
if ($sockbr == 0) return
if (%scasttemp == $null) %scasttemp = empty
var %scasttemp = $remove(%scasttemp,,
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» Advanced shoutcast DJ Bot