2 People
2.1 nick
Sets your nick. Syntax: /nick yournewnick The maximum nicklenght on Undernet is 9 characters. See NICKLEN in chapter 7 for the length at your net and 6.9 for legal characters in a nick.
There’s a “nickchange too fast” floodstopper in ircu. A person could flood a channel with his nickchanges while for the same reason beeing hard to kick. You can not change your nick more than once in 30 secs, or twice if it’s been unchanged for 60 secs already.
You can’t change your nick if you’r in a channel where you’r banned, see 3.7
2.2 privmsg
Syntax: /privmsg receiver text
If the receiver is a nick, this equals talking to someone in a private window.
If the receiver is a channel and you'r in it, it equals typing something in the channel. also see the sister-command /notice (2.3)
/msg as it is called in mIRC, could also be used for external messages. (See +n 3.5). When you send a message to a channel from outside with /notice, mIRC and other clients will treat it correctly, while an external /privmsg will appear as if an invisible nick suddenly raised its voice. According to some this is still the correct way, according to others it violates the graphical user interface. Might make for a nice trick anyway..
If we take advantage of the underlying machinery, we can send one message to several destinations. Here's an example:
"/raw PRIVMSG Sabeltann,Timo,#ruminants :The grass is greener on the other side, lets move!"
Or just: "/privmsg nickorchan,nickorchan text". (Works in mIRC) Note that since we're overriding mIRC, the text you send isn't displayed in the channelwindow. You will have to /echo that in yourself with your script.
(Maybe an idea for suppressing display of text your script send to a channel. Didn't some IRC-virus implement that already?)
PRIVMSG is also taking care of the /me statements. See 6.3
The /raw (or /quote) command is how you bypass aliases and your clients interpretation of commands. Sometimes, you pass the command directly, like in /map, a command mIRC has no "idea" about what means, while in multiple sending above, we used /PRIVMSG , as /msg is a command in mIRC that it translates according to its own rules, before passing it on as PRIVMSG to the server.
Up to ircu2.10.10, there were an extra secure syntax on the form:
/msg nick[%host]@server
where host is the optional address of the nick and server the irc-server it resides on. This syntax were intended for sending your password to the channelservice bots, so that you wouldn't mistakeingly send it to someone else posing as them on another network. On Undernet, you could never change your nick into typical service-nicks anyway. (see 5.2.2)
The nick Timo has the address “*.surfers.org” and is using the irc-server “Oslo-R.NO.EU.Undernet.org”
/msg Timo%*.surfers.org@Oslo-R.NO.EU.Undernet.org Hi there! You won't see this if you don't match my criteria
This feature isn't of much use as authentication of normal users, for that refer to authentication via the channelservice bots. As of 2.10.11, it does not longer send the message, but curiously enough, will give a "no such nick" if you get the host or server wrong.
Together with the list of servers available from www.undernet.org, this supply us with a brute-force way to find a persons' irc-server.
2.3 Notice
Syntax: /notice receiver text where receiver is nick or channel.
The reason for NOTICE according to RCF1459, is to define a way to send messages that should never generate an automatic reply. The object is to avoid loops of responses between scripts/bots, for example this quite repeating conversation:
Bot1: Please send afile.txt
Bot2: Sorry, I'm turned off.
Bot1: I don't understand the command "Sorry, I'm turned off".
Bot2: Sorry I'm turned off.
A ping Query/Reply between users (6.3) is a good example of an automated PRIVMSG/NOTICE pair.
NOTICE-messages may be treated slightly different than PRIVMSG when displayed in mIRC, both in color and which window they'r displayed in. Just as PRIVMSG, you may msg both channels and person. You may send a notice to the channelops alone with: /notice @#channel text (3.11)
2.4 Whois
Syntax: /whois nick1,nick2, ...
Basic information about a nick. A central command in IRC and it pops up all through this guide. Usermodes (2.5), getting seconds idle (2.6) e.t.c Notice that the channels in the whois reply are sorted with the channel the nick joined first as the rightmost.
The full internet-address for the user is shown in the whois, also see 2.9. Some nets hide the first part of the address, as an attempt to combat attacks which involve the users' address, e.g portscanning and pinging. Then only IRC-operators may see the full address. (something like this is in the making on Undernet, see 2.5.1) Others will send an IDENTD request to verify the username. mIRC usually handles that. For more information about identd, see the IDENTD RFC. (RFC1413) or check the undernet homepage.
Debet is ~ted@modem68.johnsonconsulting.com * Accountancy RULEZ
Debet on @#spreadsheet-newbies
Debet using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld
Debet End of /WHOIS list.
The ~ means that no IDENT has verified the username ted and Debet is an op on #spreadsheet-newbies.
The network does not hide his internet-address modem68.johnsonconsulting.com but it hides what IRC-server he is using, an ircu2.10.10-something feature.
2.5 Usermodes
2.5.1 All the modes for a nick
Here's all the modes available for a nick.
Syntax: /mode
Makes you invisible. See "Note on invisibility" (2.7.4)
Receives server notices. You receive various information sent between servers. Mostly kills and G-lines, but also nickname collisions, invalid usernames, splits e.t.c See 2.5.3 for masks for this command. (ircu only)
Receives wallops. The IRCops broadcast messages with this, you might even catch an IRCop-conversation! (Almost like tuning in on the police-radio, eh? :-P ) As for the moment, "uworld.undernet.org", that is the X service on Undernet, uses the Wallops too. ircu2.10.10 has the option of disabling this for regular users
[New in ircu2.10.04] You receive “HACK wallops”. After a desynch of the net, servers would start mending it and creating large amount of these wallops. This tended to flood the user and desynchs were even created to do just that. Therefore these wallops were moved to beeing “DESYNCH messages”, displayed as wallops to the user if he were +g
Deaf in all channels. Ircu only. You won't "hear" a thing that's said in the channels. Private messages get trough though. Primary reason is making the job easier for service bots that dosn't want to process channel messages. Makes logging of changes in chan easier too, and would suffice as an overly brute channel-flood stopper.
On a network where everyone runs ircu2.10.11 or above, you will be able to turn on this mode after logging into X on Undernet or whatever service your net would be running. setting this mode hides your hostname (your internet address) in the /whois reply and elsewhere. The hostname “modem44.londonpark.com” used by the registered user WinstonC would be masked as “winstonc.users.undernet.org”, so these users are still fully banable, even though their ISP can’t be tracked down.
Hiding your hostname will shield you against several types of attacks often carried out on IRC, but be aware that taking part in a DCC chat or filetransfer will reveal your IP-address, so turn off automatic acceptance of these if you want to use +x.
Also see use of passwords during logon (7)
In addition, there's the operator flag, (+o) that indicates an operator, the zombie-flag "!" used halfway in mending a netsplit, +k that's used by the channelservice. And +r to signify a logged-in service account, a prerequisite to set +x. (See 3.5.1 for details on +r)
No one can kick or deop +k clients from a channel, and they may also message any channel from outside, regardless of any restriction. You may /msg +k users regardless of target-restrictions. (3.10, 7) Lastly, a whois on a +k won’t show the channels it’s on.
Note that Undernet do not let ordinary users see w, g and s messages. The ability to disallow that has been around since ircu2.10.10. (see 1.4)
2.5.2 Finding peoples modes
You'll spot a +d in the who and whois reply.
"/Who mowgli" returns: mowgli Hd* mow@ppp-21.treetop.jungle.br :3 Baloo-Bot TM
Hd means the user is Here (as opposed to Gone, i.o.w away(2.11)) and that mode d (deaf) is on. The * tells us he's an IRCop. :3 means the hopcount is 3. (4.1.5)
In the /whois reply, a +d is spotted by a - after a channelname.
Example: mowgli on -@#Junglechat (+d mode and op on the channel.)
+o is spotted in whois by "nickname is an IRC operator"
+i is spotted by doing "/whois *nickname" and seeing if the right person pops up. If he/she dosn't, the nick is invisible.
+w and +s can't be seen by normal users. (+w due to a recent Undernet patch)
For address and away, also see /userhost (2.9)
2.5.3 Server notice masks
From version 2.10 of the ircu serversoftware, a masking option of users s-mode has been implemented, so you can decide which types of notifications you’r interested in. +s is disabled for users of Undernet though.
This section is based on documentation supplied by Ghostwolf.
Syntax: /mode
unsorted old messages
server kills (nick collisions)
oper kills
temporary desyncs
unauthorized connections
common TCP or socket errors
too many connections
Uworld actions on channels
net join/break, etc
IP mismatches
host throttle add/remove notices
Operators only:
old oper-only messages
client connect/exit
If you want more than one of the masks, you simply add the numbers. To later add or remove a mask from your s-mode, use + and -.
To be notified upon net join/breaks, you would type /mode yournick +s 1024.
Later you’r eager to be notified when your server fills up, so you type /mode yournick +s +128.
Now you are notified both about “too many connections” and “net join/break”
Another day, you’r feeling bored, and want to watch new g-lines (5.1.2) in addition.
You type /mode yournick +s 1664. (Since 1024 + 128 + 512 = 1664)
But this is too much, so you drop the g-lines with /mode yournick +s -512. (/mode yournick -s +512 works fine as well)
/mode yournick +s 8191 let you have it all
Standard if no mask supplied: SNO_OPERKILL, SNO_GLINE and SNO_NETWORK.
/mode yournick +s will give you kills done by operators, G-lines and netsplits/joins
2.6 Getting seconds idle
The idle time is how long the nick has been silent towards its IRC-server. In other words being quiet. Only the server that the nick is connected to "knows" this. Knowing the idle-time is usefull if you wonder if the person has left the keyboard without putting on an away-message, or might just be ignoring you. It could also be used successfully as a "silent ping" as it can give you the lag from you to the nicks' server. Just count the seconds it takes from you send the command to you receive the reply, and divide with 2. That's how many seconds it take for a message from you to reach the persons server. (another approach outlined in 4.1.5)
/whois nick nick or /whois fullservername nick where fullservername is the nicks server.
the first syntax is available from ircu2.10.00, the second works only below 2.10.10.pl14. What technically happens, is your everyday whois-request beeing transmitted to a remote server.
Xerxes is on stlouis, we're some other place: /whois stlouis.mo.us.undernet.org Xerxes
We get a whois with Xerxes' idle-time:
Xerxes is johnbg@ppp52.netomania.com * John Bertram Garfunkel
Xerxes on #Creedence #Japanese.baseballcards @#old_boats
Xerxes using StLouis.MO.US.UnderNet.org StLouis' Gateway to the UnderNet
Xerxes has been idle 50min 12secs, signed on Thu Aug 1 15:35:23
End of /WHOIS list.
* If you and the nick is on the same server, a common /whois will do the same.
* The chatting in a DCC-chat dosn't go through the IRC-network, and so is not detected by idle-time. An alternative "ping" could be to use the CTCP finger (/ctcp nick finger) as atleast mIRC supplies an idletime for the whole program in the reply; but this isn't "silent".
* It's standard to only nullify idle-time when nick uses PRIVMSG. That is, sending a message to a nick or a channel. /notice does not qualify. See server options (4.2.7) to determine if the server is using the standard setting.
* away-messages arn’t broadcasted when a netsplit is mended. You must do a remote whois to see it.
* admins have the option from ircu2.10.10 and onwards, to hide the idletime when requested remotely.
2.7 Searching for people
2.7.1 Searching by address
/who *.fiddledep.gov
This lists all visible nicks using the Fiddle Departments’ internet-connection. The command is usefull for finding people from your own host and geographical area and finding people who tend to change their nicks often.
Your ISP gives people from your area DNS-addresses ending with "smalltown.wasanet.se" for example modem30.ppp.smalltown.wasanet.se Typing /who *.smalltown.wasanet.se may then reveal people from your area.
2.7.2 Searching by nick
You can use wildcards like * and ? in a whois-query also. Here are some examples:
/whois *sam* will give you nicks like Samantha, Sam47, Sam or Tarsam.
/whois ??. This displays everyone with a nick of 2 letters, like Ma and V2.
Undernet will not give you more than 251 nicks back from one query to stop you from flooding yourself.
2.7.3 Searching it all
The first line in a whois-reply might look like this:
Xerxes is johnbg@ppp52.netomania.com * John Bertram Garfunkel
using wildcards, we're able to search for anything in that line. Even the Namefield.
"/who *garfunkel*", "/who *netomania*", "/who *xerx*", "/who john*" and "/who *funk*" will all reveal his name if he is visible.
"/who fullservername" lists people using that irc-server. (wildcards allowed) so if he's on sandiego.ca.us.undernet.org, /who *diego* would reveal him and others as well. (Use /lusers with servername, as described in 4.1.1 if you'r just going to count people on a server.)
This shows that beeing visible and writing "I'm from Essex" in the namefield might not be such a good idea if some jerk is mass-messaging everyone that matches "/who *sex*". Again, be aware that the namefield IS searchable.
See section 2.5.2 (Finding peoples modes) for explanation of details in the "/who nickname" output. Also note that "/who" searches each of the "information fields" (nick, login, real name, host name and server name) separately so you can't filter simultaneously, you must do an individual search for each field.
That means if you’r looking for jane in sweden, you’ll have to look at the outputs of “/who *jane*” and “/who *se*”.
“/who *jane* *se*” would ignore *se* and “/who *jane*se*” would search one and one field and match on the namefield “I’m Janet, now go stare at someone elses whois!” but would NOT match username janet with address *.se
2.7.4 Note on invisibility
Invisible people won't show up when searched for with /who, /who #chan and not on /whois with wildcards, unless you can see them already by sharing a channel.
The intent is that no one is to find you if they don't know your exact nickname.
I believe that in the future the searchmethods described here might become practically obsolete, as some servers already have the policy of putting people automatically on +i, (which do save the clients a lot of trouble). You can hide by changing nick, people can't mass-message everyone on your ISP and your' not visible from outside a channel. Today roughly half the nicks on Undernet and most on Efnet is set invisible.
Note: If a nick is on a secret channel (3.5) they won’t show up on a wildcard /whois, even if they arn’t set invisible
2.8 Finding an IRCop
An IRC operator is a person with +o mode. (2.5) The op goes around fixing channelops, kicking users and maintaining the net.
Don’t expect help if you’r banned from a channel (Atleast that’s Undernet policy)
The standard way to find an operator is to type /who 0 o (zero o). This lists all non-invisible opers on the net.
Before you message them, check their idle-time. (2.6) Most of them idles for days.
If this dosn’t work, the operators of your server might list themselves in the /motd (4.2.1), possibly with e-mail.
By now, you have found everyone who wants to be found, proceed on your own risk:
/stats O (5.1.4) reveal the nicks of operators on your server. (Ofcourse they could just change nicks after logging in)
/trace (4.1.5) has a loophole that reveals online ops.
Local channels are sometimes used by operators on your server. (3.2)
Join typical oper-hangouts and do the /who 0 o again. The +i dosn’t apply when you share a channel. (please observe channel rules)
Apropos operators
A common question we get in helpchannels is: How do I become an IRCop? At Undernet, you’d have to be a friend or co-worker with a server administrator or start your own server to get op. Starting your own Undernet server is out of the question unless you work at a big ISP. This also applies to other big networks.
Whatever the reason for your hunger for power is, be it fame, revenge, groupies or tax deduction, you’d have a better chance at one of the really small networks. Then again, who in their right mind would give op to a total stranger who comes in and just ask for it? As a last resort you can always start your own network! (8.2)
2.9 userhost / userip
Returns a nicks hostaddress or IP and if it's away or not.
Syntax: /userhost nick nick ... (max 5 nicks)
sending: /userhost RAmona Sssala
reply: RAmona=-mummy@crypt.pyramid.eg Sssala=+snake@cage.zoo.com where -/+ = away / not away
sending: /userip RAmona gives the reply: RAmona=-mummy@994.193.192.24
Why UserIP:
Userip were implemented in ircu2.10.01 because more and more users have "virtual hostnames", that allow the person to use any sort of hostname withouth a common domain. E.g modem5.snowbiz.com one day and modem5.snowwomen.org another day, making it harder to ban these people. A ban by IP-adress would have been very effective in this case, and that is exactly what has been implemented. The ban-code has been changed so that you can ban an IP-adress even if the server has resolved his/her address as a hostname. The IP-ban has also taken effect for SILENCE (2.12) and K-lines (5.1.1)
123.321.254 is the IP of the DNS-name "m5.camping.com". Before 2.10.1, you could ban the users' IP, but if it was resolved by irc- server to the DNS-name, the person would slip through. Not so anymore.
But ofcourse you need to ban the ISP. Using a dialup-account, he gets slightly different IPs every time he logs on.
So what’s the IP of the ISP? /dns in mIRC tells me that m1.camping.com has IP 123.321.250 and it seems to end at m200.
I set the bans to 123.321.* ,123.322.* and 123.323.* knowing I’ve banned the ISP, hoping I havn’t banned others. Banning an ISP to stop a person is a brute approach anyway if it’s a large ISP, and most people that are banned give up withouth putting much effort in getting around the ban, so I havn’t bothered finding more elegant ways to do this, but I think you can use regular IP-masks in this ban. (If you know a more accurate way to ban an ISP, i hope to hear from you)
Isn’t /dns in mIRC and /userip practically the same? Usually so, but not necessarily. When a user connects, the irc server first gets the IP-address of the user and uses it to resolve the DNS-address which it puts in the /whois reply. When queried with a /userip request, it will reply with the original IP-address. mIRC on the other hand, takes the DNS-address it finds in /whois and tries to translate it back to an IP-address. By that time, the records mapping IP-addresses to DNS-addresses could have changed, or your client and the IRC server receives different replies to a DNS-lookup for some obscure reason. In short, you risk getting the wrong IP-address, so use /userip for added reliability.
Also see +x (2.5.1) for the upcoming ability to ban a user when logged in on the channelservice
2.10 Whowas
Syntax: /whowas nick [count]
If someone just left IRC or changed their nick, and you didn’t get their address, the server keeps a buffer with the nicks that disappeared the last seconds. Count is how many nicks it should return. Every matching nick if not supplied. No wildcards are allowed so the count were only usefull in special cases. For how many nicks the server keep in whowas, see /stats z (5.3.5)
2.11 away
Syntax: /away [insert cunning remark about doing laundry here]
Sets an away-message that will be displayed in your /whois reply and shown to people who try to contact you.
See chapter 7 for the maximun lenght of your away-message (It's 160 by default on Undernet)
See 6.5 for the issue of netsplits and 2.5.2 and 2.9 on spotting the mode while missing the cunning remark.
2.12 silence
mIRC has a very customizeable command called /ignore that will filter out everything coming from certain nicks or addresses. What it dosn't do though is stopping the noise from coming through your connection. This means you could be flooded off even with ignore on. Therefore, Undernet has implemented the /silence command. When it is used, the network won't even send you the unwanted data.
/silence [+/-]nick!name@host.host.dom (nick or host alone allowed)
/silence +uglyguy!~jacktr@modem54.styx.net silencing nickname uglyguy with matching address.
/silence +*!*@modem54.styx.net Anyone from his address. (In case of clones)
/silence +*!*styx.net Anyone using his ISP. (For repeated attacks.)
when +/- are omitted, + is asumed. A setting is removed by "/silence -setting". E.g: /silence -*!*styx.net.
/silence will display your silence settings. /silence nick will display the known silence-settings of that nick. That is a feature, not a bug in fact.
You don’t get an error-message if you message someone that has silenced you, but if you suspect you’ve been silenced, type /silence nick and you may find yourself listed.
When Alice is silenced by Bob, but Alice tries to message Bob nontheless, the message reaches Bobs server, which then replies to Alices’ server that Bob has silenced Alice, and that there’s no need to relay further messages from her. Every server from Bobs to Alices including now knows about the silence, and those on those servers who type /silence Bob will see his silencing of Alice.
This openness means that people on the same server as Bob sees ALL his silence-settings.
On Undernet, you have a maximum of 15 lines of silence-settings. Doublecheck with your logon in chapter 7
Overlapping silences are removed. Example: /silence +*.dadaism.net will remove silencing of *modem4.dadaism.net since it is now reduntand. Beware that /silence -*.dadaism.net would also remove the modem4 silencing.
Removals are propagated immediately to other servers.
Silence settings must be set every time you log on. This can be done automatically with your client. For more information about flooding and how to defend against it, see the undernet website or the helpbot in #class on undernet.
See 2.9 (userhost / userip) for how to silence people with virtual hostnames.
2.13 ISON
ISON is the command used for the notify list in mIRC.
Syntax: /ISON nick1 nick2 nick2 ...
The server replies with ISON: nicksthatexist
One string of nicks sent should be no longer than 512 bytes.
you send: /ISON Susanne MadMex Martha29 ZyGoT and users with the nicks Susanne and Zygot is online.
reply: ISON: Susanne Zygot
2.14 WHO with advanced parameters
/who gives part of the same info as /whois.
ircu2.10.02 gave the WHO command a new look and in ircu2.10.05, even more adjustments were made.
As an example, the extended WHO will let you count people away in your channel and how many servers away they are, with a single command to the server. Searching and filtering are also more customizable than before, but still keeping backward compatibility.
Which gives:
The second syntax will allow a space, and is therefore good for matching the infotext. Case is not significant anywhere.
The mask:
It defines the search criteria. I'll get back to what you'r searching in.
There are two ways to define it:
* A comma separated list of elements.
The elements will be assumed a nick or a channel name.
* With a single mask, possibly using * and ?.
This could be used to search any field
If you'r not familiar with masking, * means "any string, even of zero lenght" and ? means "one character". the mask "ge*" would match both "get" and "geronimo!" while "l?ve" matches "love" and "live", but not "legislative".
"i??*" matches "inventory" and "inn", but not "is".
In the case of IRC atleast, "0" works as a *.
If you wish to match IP-numbers in the single mask, there's 3 ways to do it.
(This part is quoted from the WHO documentation in the ircu2.10.05 release notes, which you can find at www.coder-com.undernet.org)
* Make a usual mask using * and ?
* An IP-mask on the form a.b.c.d/e.f.g.h as used in most firewalls and system configurations, where what is before the / are the bits we expect in the IP number and what is after the / is the "filter mask" telling which bits would be considered and which should be ignored.
* An IP-mask on the form a.b.c.d/bitcount, where bitcount is an integer between 0 and 31 inclusive. The matching will be for the IPs whose first "bitcount" bits are equal to those in a.b.c.d
The flags define which parts of the available data you’d like to search in.
Each flag is one letter. First, the various userinformation:
Searching nicknames to match.
UserID. (As in nick!user@host)
Hostname. (Still as in nick!user@host)
Numeric IP.
Servername. (The canonic name of the IRC server a person is using) Use /links (4.1.3) if you'r unsure about canonical names
Info text. (Formerly known as "realname" )
If you don't specify any of these flags, the default "nuhs" is used. (Everything except the numeric IP and realname)
In addition, it's possible to search for for usermodes, (overview in 2.5.1) but there's only support for one of them:
Operator (Yup! the same as in 2.8)
When the WHO-command has found a bunch of persons, then this tells it which fields
of the userinformation should be returned to you.
c Include the last channel the person joined, or first common, if the person is +i.
(If no common channel exist among you, a +i user won't be shown.)
d How many servers away the nick are. (hopcount, also see 4.1.5)
h hostname
i Numeric IP
n nick
r Info text
s servername
u userID (with eventual ~)
f Include all the flags you passed on earlier
t Include querytype in the reply (see below)
The fields are always returned in the same order.
Usefull for scripts. The querytype, an integer, is passed on with the WHO. If you specify t in Fields, the lines in the reply will start with this number (query or request type field of the output). Works like a note to itself. "Oh! This is my who-query, do so and so with it."
Note to scripters: If no %fields are specified, the who reply are in numeric 352. If %fields are specified, numeric 354 are used instead, because a non-standard 352 tended to confuse clients.
A WHO-query could end up matching everyone and flood you off with the reply or exhaust the server. To avoid this, the maximum number of lines in the reply is 2048/(n+4) where n is the number of Fields you've specified. A default query gives max 186 lines.
The reply:
Beside the nick in the reply we will gett various letters indicating:
H / G
Here or Gone, indicating if the nick is set /away or not
The nick is an IRC-operator
The nick is a channel-operator on the last channel it joined and still is on
The nick is voiced on the last channel it joined and still is on
The nick is zombie on a channel
The nick is set deaf
We send: /who 0 o%fn to get a list of operators. The reply is this:
Napoleon H*
McMini H*
Sodapunk H*@
Tordivelen G*@
Aquagirl H*
Q-Beck G*
* End of /WHO list.
Each line presents one nick and the corresponding flags. Tordivelen is both gone and a channel-operator in the last channel he joined.
/who #Luggage_Claim %dct,9 could return this:
9 #Luggage_Claim 3
9 #Luggage_Claim 3
9 #Luggage_Claim 1
9 #Luggage_Claim 3
9 #Luggage_Claim 3
9 #Luggage_Claim 5
9 #Luggage_Claim 3
"9" is the query type field, The rightmost numbers are the hopcount for each nick. Most of the folks seem to be 3 hops away.
If you'r using a mIRC copy older than 5.3, you'll have to send channel-whos as "/raw who #e.t.c..."
On EFnet and possibly other nets but not Undernet “/who *” lists everyone on the last channel you joined and still is on (the first channel in your whois-reply) If you’r on no channels or on Undernet, “/who *” will flood you.
If you’r say, swedish and joins a channel, you may want to type “/who #channel *.se” to list every swede in the channel.
This a mIRC feature but works fine on non-ircu nets. However, with newer ircu you must a script to do this filtering manually as the extra parameter messes up the /who at the server.
Before ircu2.10.11, the extended /who did not correctly display the + if a user were both Op and Voiced in the same channel.
2.15 /quit
Waves goodbye to the net. See 3.4 for the quitmessage.
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